Mom and I are having "therapy withdrawals" this week since the holidays are over and we are back at work. It was great being able to see firsthand the strides Dad was making with his therapists. When Mom visited Dad Wednesday evening he was telling her how he climbed a ladder and jumped on a ball that day in physical therapy, and of course, she laughed and didn't believe him. He said someone had taken pictures of him to prove it, but again, she sort of blew it off because Dad has been teasing everyone a lot lately. This morning, she decided she couldn't stay away any longer, so she took an early lunch and headed down to Rehab around 10 o'clock. When she arrived, Connie had Dad on the mats doing some leg exercises, and she mentioned to Connie what Dad had told her the night before. Apparently Dad was not teasing. They did try to get him to climb on some sort of ladder but he was only able to make it up one step. He told the ladies that he needed to do better than that in the future because his deer stand ladder was 20 ft. up in the air! Then, Kelley came by and confirmed that they did take pictures of Dad yesterday using one of the balance balls

. In fact, they pulled out the big yellow ball again, got Dad on his knees and showed Mom how well Dad was able to move his hips up and down and maintain his balance. Then Rachele, the occupational therapist, and Kelley tag-teamed Dad and had him sit down and try to balance himself while bending down to pick up a small tool of the floor with his stroke-affected hand. Slowly but surely Dad reached the floor, grasped the tool wi

th his right hand and brought it up even with his lap. Mom said they were all thrilled and gave Dad a standing ovation!! Then Rachele took Dad to the table and had him work with the hand bike. Dad was actually able to move his hand forward and grab a hold of the handle all by himself!! Rachele then had him work on trying to move the hand bike handle with only his right hand. He hasn't quite got that mastered yet, but she told Mom that she could feel the muscle contractions when he a

ttempted to move it, and that was a good sign of things to come! We believe Dad is going to be fortunate enough to get another two weeks at Rehab. The therapists and doctors have been soo thrilled with Dad's recent progress, they and the caseworkers are doing everything they can to convince the insurance company to let him stay until Frid

ay, January 23, and we are sooo appreciative of their efforts. Dr. Bing said he thought he was going to have to sign Dad's discharge orders three different times, but the staff ends up pulling off another extension. The entire staff at Katy Rehabilitation Hospital is WONDERFUL, and we know Dad's best shot at recovery starts with them. Of course, the encouragement and love of our amazing friends and family is a huge boost to Dad, and Mom, as well. Just over the last few days, Dad has had long-distance calls from his brother Johnny, his nephews Kevin Ferrell & Jack Stone, visits from Ike Lucas, Joanne & Mike Lig

on, Van Gilbert, Butch Scherer, and tonight, Bev & Jim Brewer came and had dinner with all of us in the patient dining room! Afterward, we got Dad shaved and his face and hands moisturized, and Uncle Jim said that Dad look

ed "so pretty" that he could just kiss him ... and he did!! Those two are such great old friends; lots of love there! Then, as I understand it, Uncle Jim went by the house and made a plumbing service call. Mom said the water softener hadn't been working right; she missed all of her suds when she shampooed and showered! So, Uncle Jim fiddled with the softener and made it start a new cycle, so I'm sure Mom will let him know if he had the magic touch or not after tomorrow morning's shower ... and then he can send her his bill (ha!).