Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, December 27...We're Back!!
Sorry for the delay in getting Dad's blog updated. Dave & I went to Austin Friday morning to have Christmas with his family, and we just got back into town. Mom said that she has had several phone calls and emails today from various friends and family members wanting to know what is going on! So, below you will find all the lastest news and photos taken over the last few days, and hopefully by Monday, we will have news from the doctors and/or therapists on what the plan will be for Dad after the 31st!
Thursday, December 25...Merry Christmas!!
Dave & I headed over to Mom & Dad's house early Christmas morning, with dogs and presents in tow. She had mimosas and sausage balls ready for us, and we snacked as we seared the roast and got side dishes together. Dave & I left around noon to pick up Dad, leaving Mom at home to finish preparing lunch. Terri & Paul were planning to meet us at the Rehab to help us get Dad in the car, but Dad was anxious to get home and didn't want to wait, so with the help of a nurse, we got him out of the room and into the car safely. When we got to the house, Dad had a warm welcome by the entire family. Dad's brother, Johnny, and his daughter, Patricia, also drove up from the Corpus area to spend the day with us. Twenty of us feasted on roast beef, turkey, ham, and all the fixings, including fresh broccoli picked out of Dad's garden. After we ate, we opened gifts, and by 4 p.m., Dad was worn out. We could tell he was getting tired, so we asked him if he wanted to lay down, but he actually said that he was ready to go back to rehab. Even though he was so happy to be home and with his entire family, I think it was a bit overwhelming for his first outing and he was ready for a "Silent Night!" Thanks to everyone who brought us "Christmas cheer" ... we certainly hope you and your family had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 24...Christmas Eve Battle Wounds!
Mom planned to pop in on Dad this morning for just a few minutes before heading out to finish her mile-long Christmas "to do" list, but when she stepped off the elevator she saw Dad with bandages and a whirl of activity going on around him. He was in physical therapy, and apparently h
aving a great time playing some sort of ball game with his buddy, Mr. Garza, when he leaned too far forward in his wheel chair, lost his balance, and toppled out head first, getting a gash under his eye, a busted lip and a bloody nose. Since Dad is on blood thinners for his clot, they had to use a lot of compression and ice to slow the bleeding, but Dad was being a real trooper. Mom accompanied Dad down to the Radiation Department for x-rays of his face and arm. They wanted to make sure nothing was fractured, and it wasn't, thank God! Mom said Kelley felt terrible about the incident, but we know that she and her staff take excellent care of Dad, and accidents happen. Now to every accident there is bad news and good news, and this one is no different. The bad news, of course, is that dad got pretty banged up. The good news is that he had a "photo finish victory" over Mr. Garza in a wheel chair race earlier that morning! When I arrived and told Dad that I was sorry that he had an accident, but I was proud of him for winning the wheel chair race, Dad's response was ... "I won the race, but lost the battle!" We all laughed at dad's sense of humor in all of this, and I promised him that I would put that quote in the blog!!
Now because of Dad's accident, Mom's visit turned out to be hours long, and she was in a bit of a panic over getting things done for Dad's Christmas visit home. Butch Scherer, a long-time friend of Dad's, happened to show up for a visit, and Butch said he would stay with Dad for a w
hile until they got him settled. When Mom got into her car, a long-time friend of Mom's, Carol Humphrey, called and said that she and her husband wanted to come out and bring Dad some bar-b-que ribs. Mom told her what had transpired that morning, and she didn't think Dad was up to a lot of company, and with his busted lip, she wasn't sure if he could even eat the ribs. Besides Mom was just leaving to try and get a few things done to prepare for Christmas Day. Carol told Mom that she would leave Jimmy at home and just come out and help her since Carol was done with her Christmas preparations. So, Carol, the Christmas Elf, came to Katy and stood in long lines at Kohl's and Beauty Brands to pick up last minute gifts for Mom, and then she came to the house and wrapped nearly all of Mom's gifts! In the meantime, Dave & I took care of picking up Christmas Eve dinner ... Dad wanted fried chicken and red beans & rice! Very untraditional
to say the least, but nothing about this holiday season has been normal! So, Mom, Dad, Dave & I feasted on Popeyes with a paper tablecloth covering Dad's bedside tray making the most out of our Christmas Eve. In keeping with at least one tradition, we each opened a gift. Mom
opened the one that Dad had wrapped for her, and it was a Nike sweatsuit, Dave unwrapped a pair of shoes, I opened a cookbook, and Dad actually had TWO gifts tonight ... a box with a shirt and a pair of pants from Dave & I, and then one very special gift that he had received from his doctor ... a brand new fishing pole! Dad has been going to Dr. Bing for 20+ years, and they have become good friends. Dr. Bing has been telling Dad that as soon as he's able, they are going to go fishing, so we're guessing Dr. Bing wanted to give Dad a little incentive! After presents, we cleaned up the party area and told Dad he better get some sleep since he had a big outing the next day. I know Dad is really looking forwarding to being home for a few hours, and we are too! Oh, and a big thank you to Rev. Kim Meyers for taking time out of her busy Christmas Eve schedule at St. Peter's to come and give Dad holy communion this afternoon.

Now because of Dad's accident, Mom's visit turned out to be hours long, and she was in a bit of a panic over getting things done for Dad's Christmas visit home. Butch Scherer, a long-time friend of Dad's, happened to show up for a visit, and Butch said he would stay with Dad for a w

Tuesday, December 23...Blood Clot Update
Good news! The blood clot is small and Kelley has gotten the doctors' approval to proceed with Dad's therapy AND his visit home on Christmas Day! Dad didn't sleep all night worrying about the clot, but he feels better this morning after talking to the medical staff and Kelley'
s pep talk! He is making big strides in his recovery right now, so we are thankful that the blood clot won't keep him in bed. The Lucas' stopped by this evening to encourage dad. Shirley had a blood clot in her leg after a recent out-patient surgery, so she knows first hand the fear of it all. Shirley's clot was dissolved in a week, so we are praying that Dad's is gone just as quickly! Laurie, a therapy assistant, dropped by Dad's room and asked if Dad had shown Mom her surprise?!? Dad said, no, so Laurie pointed out a Christmas present hiding in the corner of the windowsill. She said that "Santa" had dropped if off for Mom but needed Dad to wrap it for him. She went on to explain that Dad used scissors and cut the paper himself, and then Laurie held the paper together while Dad taped it all up. He did a great job on it, so now Mom can't wait until Christmas Eve to tear into it and see what's inside! When Mom got home this evening, Joanne Ligon came by and dropped off a Christmas appetizer and a dessert for us to enjoy on Christmas Day. They look yummy; hope they make it until Christmas!!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 22...Monday's Manuevers
Mom arrived at the hospital this morning to find Dad already in the gym working with his occupational therapist. Her intention was to make a quick stop to deliver the therapists' Christmas coo
kie and then head to the mall to shop, but Dad and "his girls" were ha
ving such a good time looking at Dad's photo albums and marveling at his progress of standing from a sitting position in his wheelchair, that she decided to stick around for a while. Kelley told Mom that she had Dad next and she bet Dad would show off for her if she stayed. In the meantime, the Arlott clan showed up and Dad gav
e Alex a wheelchair ride before he started with Kelley. As promised, Dad put on quite the show for Mom. Kelley got Dad's wheelchair positioned near the parallel bars and Dad stood and "walked" with Kelley's help and support all the way to the other end! Dad was apparently pretty darn proud of himself, and Mom left rehab with a spring in HER step! When Dave & I arrived at the hospital this afternoon Dr. V came by and was checking on Dad. Since Dad's right leg was still swollen she decided that he should have an ultrasound of his leg just to make sure that he didn't have a blood clot. She assured Dave and I that she was 95% sure that it was nothing and that the swelling he was having was attributed to him not being able to move his right leg. Unfo
rtunately, when Mom arrived at the hospital this evening Dr. Bing was there and said that Dad did have a blood clot and would have to be put on blood thinners by daily injections to try and dissolve the clot. This also means that Dad's therapy will be limited for the next few days...just as he was making so much progress! So, everyone please keep praying for this situation to be resolved quickly so Dad can resume his road to recovery.

Sunday, December 21...STRENGTH in Numbers!
Tonight's blog update by Cindy. All of you that know me well, know that I like "themes." Bunko themes, party themes, scrapbook themes, decorating themes, etc. Well tonight, I can report that even our weekend had a theme, and it was STRENGTH. By Friday afternoon, after another long week of work, hospital runs, household errands, holiday shopping, etc., I felt in desperate need of some! I left work and headed over to see George. I stayed for about an hour and a half, but he was so worn out after an afternoon of vigorous physical therapy, he didn't feel like talking much, so I grabbed his laundry and headed home to feed and walk our dog. I had only been in the house for a few minutes, when
I got a phone call from Beverly Brewer saying that she and Jim had just arrived at the hospital and was hoping to see the both of us. I was just too tired to head back in that direction, so she said that they would visit with George and then head over to take me out to dinner. In the meantime, Lindsay & Dave had called so we invited them to come and join us. We all headed over to Victor's Casa Garcia and had several baskets of chips w/salsa followed by some good mexican food, but the great, uplifting company was the best of all! Oh, and the Brewers brought me a Willow T
ree angel and George a christmas stocking to hang in his room at the hospital, so Santa better remember to fill it Christmas Eve! Saturday morning started early. George & I decided to treat the weekend nursing staff to a giant decorated chocolate chip cookie, so I headed out to pick that up. When I arrived at the hospital, I pulled the electric razor out and got George
looking spiffy for his weekend visitors. Terri and Emily were on their way from Willis, my mom came by to say hello, and Lindsay & Dave were in route with Brady AND Cooper & Macy too! It was definitely a "dog day afternoon" for George, and he and the dogs loved the outing! Emily & I eventually went and picked up some Italian food, and we girls all went back upstairs and ate lunch with George. After lunch, Emily & I went and ran some errands and Terri stayed behind for a little father/daughter time. Brian Lewis, a co-worker of George's at Klare Plumbing, came by and I know George enjoyed catching up with him. Before leaving for the evening, I sat on George's bed and was telling him my plans for the remainder of the evening as well as for Sunday when he grabbed my hand and asked ... "What about us?!?" When I asked him what he meant, he asked what we were going to do about him coming home. I told him that I hoped by the time he was discharged (the current insurance plan is 12/31/08), that he would be strong enough to stay "home alone" which meant getting in/out of bed and/or the wheelchair by himself or with very little assistance, so he had to continue to work hard. And then my husband, who almost never talks about his faith or spirituality, sorta shrugged and got teary-eyed on me and said that he had been praying for MY strength, both physically and mentally. I guess my constant praying over him while in the hospital had rubbed off, and I pretty much lost it. Especially when he added, "you know, it's just me, you, and the Lord!" I told him that I was certainly relying on the Lord for strength for both of us, and He would make sure that George & I were okay. Just about that time, my cell phone rang, and it was a dear friend from Abilene who I truly believe has a direct line to God. Vickie said that she had some bible verses for me, and went on to re
cite them. She started out with Matthew 28:20 ... And remember, I am with you always ... and then continued with a few others about getting strength from the Lord. I couldn't believe it, it was like God wanted me to know that He was indeed with us, giving us the strength that George and I and soo many of you have been praying for during this trial. And then, just to top it all off, I went to the mailbox before church this morning, and I had a package from Judy Conley Herrerra, the daughter of George's former employer of 25+ years. Inside was a small wrapped gift with a note that read, "Thinking of you, Cindy" and guess what was inside?!? A hand-painted wooden cross with the word "Strength" printed across the front!! Truly amazing, huh?!? Maybe our pastor, Dan Miller, summed it up best during this morning's service. He was talking about how Mary, just a teenager, received news from an angel that she would soon give birth to a son. Mary, at the time, had other thin
gs going on, and to be unmarried and pregnant was surely not in he
r plans. Dan called this news, and the pregnancy, an "interruption" in her life; it tested her faith, as well as Joseph's. But through this test, it brought them closer to each other and to God. So, from now on, I'm looking at this health crisis as just an "interruption" in our lives, one that I too hope brings us closer to each other and to God! A special thank-you to George's Sunday visitors: Lindsay & Dave; April, Madison and Brian Dorman; Rick & Laura Krustchinsky; and Mike Ligon. Pi
ctures from the weekend will be on the blog tomorrow; I need to get my camera to Lindsay, so be sure to check back!! Love to all ...

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