Thanks to Tommy G. w/Moore Supply and Brian Lewis w/Klare Plumbing, George's new sink was installed on Saturday. Tommy made an early morning delivery to bring the correct "P.O. plug" and then Brian came a few hours later and got everything hooked up. We are still

missing one bronze "sleeve" (I think that is what Brian called it) for the exposed pipe, and I need to get the new light fixture hung, toilet paper holder up, etc., so the big "reveal" can't happen yet, but soon, very soon!! George also had visitors on Saturday afternoon, Jose Benavides, a former employee of George's that he thinks the world of, and Ishmael, an "operator" in the plumbing industry. The guys stayed for over an hour and reminisced about deer lease trips that Jose accompanied George on, and also talked about future ones that they want to take this coming fall. And, believe me, that sounds good to me too! George and I have had a little too much together time lately, so I'm hoping that come November he his ready to head to Gonzales! After all of the guys left, George and I headed to Randall's to grocery shop. I sure wish I had my camera with me because it turned out to

be quite a trip! I've been wanting to see how George would do on one of those electric scooters, and I got my wish! As I pulled into the handicap parking, a scooter was parked right on the curb. So instead of getting the wheelchair out, I got out, got on the scooter and rode it to the passenger side of the car. I have to admit, it took me a minute to maneuver the thing to where I needed it, so I started to wonder if this was such a good idea. However, it was too late to change my mind; George was motioning me to come on and bring it closer to the car. As you know, it's much heavier and larger than a wheelchair, so we couldn't get it nearly as close as his wheelchair, so that meant that he needed to take several steps to the scooter. Again, my heart was beating a little faster as I tried to now maneuver George toward the scooter. A few minutes later, he was safely on the seat and taking off up the ramp without me! I prayed that no one would get in his way as he approached the double doors. I took a few galloping steps to catch up to him before he reached the girl scouts and their cookie table and told him to slow down. He didn't really listen to me and whizzed through the next set of double doors taking THREE donut boxes with him. Good thing they were only display boxes or I would have been picking up (and buying) dozens of glazed donuts! That little episode was enough to slow him down, so we made it through the bakery department without any casualties. We stopped and bought some produce and then hit the seafood department (literally, not physically!). George did pretty well for the rest of our shopping trip but we also had to go to Customer Service to buy the new registration tags for his truck. That proved to be a little tricky because there wasn't much room to back up and turn, so he ended up making a U-turn through the magazine area and through the Easter candy display to be heading the right direction again. I was holding my breath the whole time; can you just imagine him hitting one of the shelves that held the M&M candies and those bags busting on impact?!? I am laughing again as I type this; I know if there was a video tape of this excursion, we could have won on the Funniest Home Videos show. I think George enjoyed that little scooter way too much ... never again will I be able to go to the grocery store alone!!