What a beautiful day we had today, and a group of us were out in the sunshine nearly all afternoon preparing for the garage sale next Saturday. Joanne and Mike Ligon arrived at our house around noon, and Mike went right to work loading tables and boxes of treasures into George's pick-up truck that I had backed into the garage to make it easier to load. However, I didn't take into account that Mike is tall, so the first time he hopped up into the bed of the truck to move thin

gs around, he hit his head! He's such a good sport though, he just kept on smiling and kept on loading! When we arrived at the Thomason's storage units, Penny was busy with her drill putting together clothing racks. For those of you who don't know Penny, she can do it all ... repairs, remodels, crafts, etc. I'm sure all of our husbands wish we were as handy around the house as she is! Nancy, our resident nurse of the bunko group who has lovingly cared for all of us at one time or another and is always willing to listen to symptoms and offer advice on our newest ailments, welcomed George

to "garage sale central" and then gave George some advice as well ... keep working hard, don't let yourself get discouraged, and listen to your wife (I just love her!). Nancy's brother-in-law had a massive stroke several years ago, so she has first hand knowledge of the struggles that he and her sister dealt with, however, she also relayed the happy ending to their story ... her brother-in-law is walking and driving and living a normal life today, so we hope and pray that our story ends the same way! While George supervised, Mike unloaded the vehicles and we girls started pricing the merchandise. Not all of it has been delivered yet, but we have a little bit of everything. Purses by Gucci, Nine West and Coldwater Creek, appli

ances, tools, and decorations

for every season! We also have our own animal farm and a collection of stuffed animals for the little ones. We've also got home decor, clothes, shoes, books and so much more! Danny Thomason arrived in time to help Mike put all of the tables back into the storage unit after the merchandise was priced. Penny has had him working hard in cleaning out abandoned units (as well as their house and garage) to make sure we have lots of items to sell! George and I really appreciate all of our friends' efforts and contributions (thanks, Margaret & Jack Creel, for the one by mail!). Hopefully Saturday's weather will be as pretty as this weekend's, but rain or shine, come shop with us!! We'll be starting at 8 a.m., so come early for the best selections. The address is 17625 Keith Harrow (between Barker Cypess & Hwy. 6).

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