I hope all of you fathers had a great weekend celebrating with your loved ones! I know George had fun with both of his sons, son-in-law and two grandsons down at the deer lease. Ricky, Kurt & Donnie pick
ed him

up Friday morning and headed to Gonzales, and then Paul & Greg joined them after work on Friday. The boys filled up the deer feeders while George supervised and rode around the pasture in the four-wheeler with them. From what I understand, the deer weren't the only things being fed well. I heard that George's grandson, Kurt, made some finger-licking good ribs Friday night, and some great breakfast tacos were on the menu for Saturday morning. I also heard that Donnie, grandson #2, took extra-good care o

f his Papaw, even for the night-time bathroom runs which by the way is really good practice for this soon-to-be new dad! Paul & Greg were willing to stay Saturday night at the lease with George as well, but he wanted to come back home! I guess it is just too hot and dry right now to enjoy the great outdoors ... or he just missed me nagging him to do his exercises and use his right hand ... ha! Anyway, he had a great time and is looking forward to future trips in the fall!
Lindsay & Dave are still in Indiana (hurry home, we miss you guys!), so we joined my brother and his fam

ily for Father's Day brunch in Richmond. However, before we left, George opened a Father's Day gift from "Brady" (the new shirt and pair of shorts that he is wearing in this picture), a card from Lindsay & Dave that arrived yesterday, and he also got a phone call from Lindsay just as we were leaving the house. Terri must have called shortly thereafter, but we were already gone, but George did get her sweet message when we got back home. This evening, we took a ride out to Houston's National Cemetary and visited my Dad's grave. It's been nearly 8 years since he passed away, but I still miss him like it was yesterday! As a tribute to my dad, and to all of you great dad's out there, here's one of my favorite quotes by Anne Geddes ...
"Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad." Happy Father's Day!!
P.S. to Butch Scherer: Thank you soo much for stopping by on Saturday; George was really sorry he missed you!