This has been another busy week; the days just seem to fly by between working, therapy appts., medical appts., household chores, etc. And everything takes longer these days because George wants to go everywhere with me! I can't blame him; I know he gets soo bored sitting in the house but a 20-minute trip to the store turns into an hour by the time I get him and the wheelchair loaded and unloaded both at home and our destination. However, he is getting to be a pro at using those electric scooters, and I think he likes the feeling of being in the "drivers seat" for a change! We went to Wal-Mart early in the week, then to Target yesterday after therapy, and then today he went to Randall's with me to get some of his prescriptions refilled. Randall's has the fast cars ... T
arget's are super slow ... and Wal-Marts fall somewhere in between. George just shook his head the entire time we were in Target; he said he could go faster in his wheelchair, and we know that is true ... afterall, he was the wheelchair race champion at Katy Rehab Hospital! I hope to post some vi
deo clips of his therapy sessions next week. I thought I had captured some good stuff this week, but there was an operator error on my part, and it didn't record. Darrell, his OT, has him really using that right hand well, and Paige, his PT, is getting really good steps from him these days. In fact, I told George no more "wheeling" to the bathroom. From now on, he needs to use his cane (and me, Linday, Dave or Greg!) to walk there. He is never going to walk if he settles for 3 hours a week at therapy; he has got to walk as much as he can EVERY day. It takes a little more time and effort on my/our part, but afterall, practice makes perfect (I hope and pray!). Please keep those prayers coming; George is still quite a way from being independent, but that is our goal. I BELIEVE!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
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