Mom planned to pop in on Dad this morning for just a few minutes before heading out to finish her mile-long Christmas "to do" list, but when she stepped off the elevator she saw Dad with bandages and a whirl of activity going on around him. He was in physical therapy, and apparently h

aving a great time playing some sort of ball game with his buddy, Mr. Garza, when he leaned too far forward in his wheel chair, lost his balance, and toppled out head first, getting a gash under his eye, a busted lip and a bloody nose. Since Dad is on blood thinners for his clot, they had to use a lot of compression and ice to slow the bleeding, but Dad was being a real trooper. Mom accompanied Dad down to the Radiation Department for x-rays of his face and arm. They wanted to make sure nothing was fractured, and it wasn't, thank God! Mom said Kelley felt terrible about the incident, but we know that she and her staff take excellent care of Dad, and accidents happen. Now to every accident there is bad news and good news, and this one is no different. The bad news, of course, is that dad got pretty banged up. The good news is that he had a "photo finish victory" over Mr. Garza in a wheel chair race earlier that morning! When I arrived and told Dad that I was sorry that he had an accident, but I was proud of him for winning the wheel chair race, Dad's response was ... "I won the race, but lost the battle!" We all laughed at dad's sense of humor in all of this, and I promised him that I would put that quote in the blog!!
Now because of Dad's accident, Mom's visit turned out to be hours long, and she was in a bit of a panic over getting things done for Dad's Christmas visit home. Butch Scherer, a long-time friend of Dad's, happened to show up for a visit, and Butch said he would stay with Dad for a w

hile until they got him settled. When Mom got into her car, a long-time friend of Mom's, Carol Humphrey, called and said that she and her husband wanted to come out and bring Dad some bar-b-que ribs. Mom told her what had transpired that morning, and she didn't think Dad was up to a lot of company, and with his busted lip, she wasn't sure if he could even eat the ribs. Besides Mom was just leaving to try and get a few things done to prepare for Christmas Day. Carol told Mom that she would leave Jimmy at home and just come out and help her since Carol was done with her Christmas preparations. So, Carol, the Christmas Elf, came to Katy and stood in long lines at Kohl's and Beauty Brands to pick up last minute gifts for Mom, and then she came to the house and wrapped nearly all of Mom's gifts! In the meantime, Dave & I took care of picking up Christmas Eve dinner ... Dad wanted fried chicken and red beans & rice! Very untraditional

to say the least, but nothing about this holiday season has been normal! So, Mom, Dad, Dave & I feasted on Popeyes with a paper tablecloth covering Dad's bedside tray making the most out of our Christmas Eve. In keeping with at least one tradition, we each opened a gift. Mom

opened the one that Dad had wrapped for her, and it was a Nike sweatsuit, Dave unwrapped a pair of shoes, I opened a cookbook, and Dad actually had TWO gifts tonight ... a box with a shirt and a pair of pants from Dave & I, and then one very special gift that he had received from his doctor ... a brand new fishing pole! Dad has been going to Dr. Bing for 20+ years, and they have become good friends. Dr. Bing has been telling Dad that as soon as he's able, they are going to go fishing, so we're guessing Dr. Bing wanted to give Dad a little incentive! After presents, we cleaned up the party area and told Dad he better get some sleep since he had a big outing the next day. I know Dad is really looking forwarding to being home for a few hours, and we are too! Oh, and a big thank you to Rev. Kim Meyers for taking time out of her busy Christmas Eve schedule at St. Peter's to come and give Dad holy communion this afternoon.
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