Mom arrived at the hospital this morning to find Dad already in the gym working with his occupational therapist. Her intention was to make a quick stop to deliver the therapists' Christmas coo

kie and then head to the mall to shop, but Dad and "his girls" were ha

ving such a good time looking at Dad's photo albums and marveling at his progress of standing from a sitting position in his wheelchair, that she decided to stick around for a while. Kelley told Mom that she had Dad next and she bet Dad would show off for her if she stayed. In the meantime, the Arlott clan showed up and Dad gav

e Alex a wheelchair ride before he started with Kelley. As promised, Dad put on quite the show for Mom. Kelley got Dad's wheelchair positioned near the parallel bars and Dad stood and "walked" with Kelley's help and support all the way to the other end! Dad was apparently pretty darn proud of himself, and Mom left rehab with a spring in HER step! When Dave & I arrived at the hospital this afternoon Dr. V came by and was checking on Dad. Since Dad's right leg was still swollen she decided that he should have an ultrasound of his leg just to make sure that he didn't have a blood clot. She assured Dave and I that she was 95% sure that it was nothing and that the swelling he was having was attributed to him not being able to move his right leg. Unfo

rtunately, when Mom arrived at the hospital this evening Dr. Bing was there and said that Dad did have a blood clot and would have to be put on blood thinners by daily injections to try and dissolve the clot. This also means that Dad's therapy will be limited for the next few days...just as he was making so much progress! So, everyone please keep praying for this situation to be resolved quickly so Dad can resume his road to recovery.
You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers daily. My Grandma keeps us posted on George's progress, but she just got us the address for your blog and it is a GREAT way to keep family and friends updated. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys, your family was so good to ours when my Pap was sick, we'd love to return the favor.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Lindsey Nelson
cute pics!
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