Mom was the first to arrive at the hospital today and found Dad to be more lethargic than yesterday. She noticed that his mouth was very dry so she went and got Dad some ice chips and began feeding them to him. Kelli, his nurse, happened to come in and said that she didn’t think giving him ice chips was a good idea because his swallowing was yet to be evaluated. Mom told her that he had been given ice chips and some applesauce the day before, but again, she discouraged Mom from proceeding. Mom asked her when they planned on getting around to the evaluation then since it had already been two days. Kelli said she thought it would happen today. Mom told her it better happen today because she felt Dad was becoming dehydrated, and Kelli responded that his vitals were not yet critical, so she didn’t think it was a big deal. WRONG ANSWER! Mom said she thought Dad had been through enough already and didn’t want his vital signs to become critical. In fact, why wasn’t there fluids being given to him through an IV? Kelli said Mom would have to take that up with the doctor, and again, that was the wrong answer!! Mom “suggested” that she better take that up with the doctor herself and get her husband hydrated or some heads were going to roll. It wasn’t 30 minutes later when a IV was started and the speech therapist was in dad’s room, and guess what?!? He could swallow correctly, just as Nurse Agnes had tho
ught! So, a soft diet was ordered and a tray of food arrived soon thereafter which we fed to him. Now you are probably thinking that this is the end of the story, but you’re wrong! As Mom was taking a break out in the waiting room and eating her breakfast banana, my sister, Terri, came out of the ICU in tears. Mom asked what was wrong, and she said that as she stood at dad’s bed side stroking Dad’s hand, Nurse Kelli came in and asked her not do that. She claimed that he didn’t need the “stimulation” just rest, so she thought Terri and everyone else out needed to stay out of Dad’s room. Just then, the door opened and Nurse Kelli asked to have a word with Mom. Mom stepped inside and was told basically the same thing as Terri, but added that Dad would become psychotic if not left alone. Once again, WRONG thing to say … Nurse Kelli has never seen psychotic until that moment! Mom just about lost it with her. She reminded Kelly that my dad was laying there and couldn’t speak except through the fear in his eyes. She told her that my dad loved being affectionate and that holding his hand or stroking his head until he fell asleep was comforting my dad, not making him psychotic! She also told him that our family was a close-knit bunch, and some traveled for hours over this holiday weekend just to let my dad know that they were there for him and for us, and as long as we were abiding by the rules of visitation, that she would not keep us out! Just as Mom was contemplating on whether or not she should ask for the nursing supervisor, the ICU door opened again and a nurse stood there asking if a member of the Luker family was present. I just knew security was waiting behind her, bu
t much to our surprise, it was Jason’s Deli delivering food trays for us. No, it wasn’t a peace offering from Nurse Kelly, but she did apologize to Mom later that day for upsetting us. The sandwich and fruit trays were sent by my cousin, Kevin, and Lucy, his wife. I think we all felt better with a little food in our stomachs!
The ICU waiting room has definitely been taken over by the Luker family and circle of friends! Those supporting us today were: Kevin Ferrell, Allen Stone (Chelsea and Lauren, too), Carol Humprhey, Penny Thomason, Jose Benevidas, Bryan Dorman, Landrum, Ricky Luker, Kurt Luker, Donnie Luker, Rick & Laura Krustchinsky, Lauren & Brent James, Mari, Aaron and baby Sam Fredrickson, Bev & Jim Brewer (who also brought us yummy salads from Panera Bread), David & Cheryl Arlott, Judy & Ty Reynolds, Agnes Totten, Terri and Grandma.

The ICU waiting room has definitely been taken over by the Luker family and circle of friends! Those supporting us today were: Kevin Ferrell, Allen Stone (Chelsea and Lauren, too), Carol Humprhey, Penny Thomason, Jose Benevidas, Bryan Dorman, Landrum, Ricky Luker, Kurt Luker, Donnie Luker, Rick & Laura Krustchinsky, Lauren & Brent James, Mari, Aaron and baby Sam Fredrickson, Bev & Jim Brewer (who also brought us yummy salads from Panera Bread), David & Cheryl Arlott, Judy & Ty Reynolds, Agnes Totten, Terri and Grandma.

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