Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday, December 11...Jealousy Gets You Nowhere!

I arrived at the Rehab Hospital just after lunch today in hopes of making Dad's afternoon therapy session. After all, my husband got to see Dad in motion yesterday, so I wanted in on a little piece of the action myself! Unfortunately, it wasn't to be; somehow they had completed all of Dad's therapy today by lunch time! So by the time I arrived, he was one tired man and all he wanted to do was take a nap. We visited for a while, but it didn't take long before he wanted me to go and get a nurse to get him into bed. I guess my conversation was more like a bedtime story, because before I new it, dad's eyes were closed and he was "puffing" (you know, that light, modified snore!). Mom went this evening after work, and she said Dad was awake and entertaining guests when she arrived. Karen, Klare Plumbing's Office Administrator, was there with her young teenage son, Derek. Apparently Derek knows how to "own" the room and keep Dad's attention with his lively personality. Mom learned that Dad and Derek, who is at the office a lot after school, are big buds who talk fishing and hunting all the time. Derek and Karen brought Dad some new sportsman magazines to read, as well as a poinsettia, and relayed all of the get-well wishes and prayers being said from everyone at Klare Plumbing. Mom also told me that Gary & Kathy Nelson, long-time neighbors and friends, had dropped by to see dad on Wednesday night and they too brought dad a poinsettia. Dad's room is definitely decked out for the holidays! Oh, and one more thing, Dad is now starting to ask questions! Prior to yesterday, Dad would really only respond to our questions, but much to Mom's surprise, Dad asked about a label on his food tray yesterday. Beside his name, it reads "MS" and dad wanted to know what that meant (it means a Modified Soft diet!), and then after Mom telling Dad that she was going to bring Brady up to see him this weekend, Dad asked her "Why not tomorrow?" So, we think that is another great sign that his conversation skills are returning! And speaking of Brady, he had a "play date" tonight while Mom was at the hospital. Mom and Dad's neighbors, Mark & Abby, came over as Mom was leaving for the hospital and offered to take Brady over to their house to play with their dog, Scout. They didn't have to ask Brady twice; all you need to do is get his leash, and he about knocks you over getting out the door!

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