... and to dust you will return! Today marks the beginning of Lent, a holy season of repentance, renewal and resurrection. My family all went to Ash Wednesday services together this evening and it was nice. I think it was a fitting occasion for George's return to church since his stroke. I pray that in the next 40 days, we will all become refreshed and renewed, both physically and mentally, so we can fully and joyfully celebrate the resurrection of Christ at Easter. And guess what else George got to do today for the first time since his stroke? Go in to the bathrooms ... thanks to our generous friends!

George's transport chair was delivered yesterday evening, so Dave got it out of the box for us, popped everything in place, and George was good to go (literally ... ha!). The hallway bathroom is now very accessible and equipped with grab bars for toileting, so now we need to focus on the master bathroom for bathing/showering. Dave had to remove the door going into the master bath so the chair could make it through that narrow opening, but now that he can get in there, we still need to figure out what kind of hand-held shower nozzle will work on our tub since the therapists do not want George attempting to step up and over the ledge leading into the shower stall. A friend of my mom's has loaned us a tub bench to use, but it would be much easier if we had a hand-held shower nozzle instead of the regular faucet. I may need a plumbing supply salesman to come and give us some options, so if any of you that follow the blog are in the Katy area, come see us!!

We'd like you to meet a third member of George's home health team, his occupational therapist, Wendy. She has a smile and personality as big as Texas, and makes George's therapy sessions as fun as they can possibly be!

Wendy had George practice writing his name with his RIGHT hand yesterday, and his first few letters were great, but then as his hand tired, the letters got smaller and smaller and hard to read. But heck, I didn't even know he could write at all with that hand, so I was excited. George's release with that right hand is getting better as well, so keep those prayers coming his way, they are working!!
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