Sorry it has been nearly a week since we have updated the blog. As you know, my Aunt Jimmie and a family friend, Vickie, were here visiting. They were such a big help to all of us; I was able to take some time off, and Mom got some much deserved R&R. Vickie works with a home health agency in Abilene, so she was able to handle dad and all of his needs, while my Aunt Jimmie cooked, cleaned and did the laundry. Mom went and used her Valentine gift card to have a full body massage on Saturday morning, and then on Sunday morning, Vickie got Dad up and let Mom sleep, and then Aunt Jimmie made her breakfast in bed … complete with a flower on her tray!! They left on Monday, pretty tired, so we’re not so sure how soon they’ll be back … ha! Dad has also been busy with his therapists and there are all sorts of new-fangled things around mom and dad’s house these days. After Dad’s very successful kitchen counter steps, Cathy,

Dad’s physical therapist, wanted to try him on a wide-based cane. She thought it might be easier for Dad to maneuver instead of a walker where he has to use both of his hands (as many of you know, Dad’s right hand has a hard time releasing once anything is in its clutches!). So, I went to a medical supply store and bought one, and with Cathy’s help and support, Dad is also taking some steps with it. Another new little addition is a home-made pulley system that Dad’s occupational therapist, Wendy, suggested we rig up for Dad. Before Dave left for Atlanta, he went to

Home Depot and bought a pulley, some PVC pipe and a rope, and tied it on to the pantry door. Wendy “stole” some canned goods from inside the pantry, put them in a plastic grocery sack and made it a 5 lb. weight for Dad to lift with his right arm. So, if any of you cancelled your gym membership, Mom
will let you come be dad’s workout partner! Wendy also told Dad that as soon as his walking and balance improves, she would recommend him doing water exercises, so the Ligon’s better be on the look-out for pool invaders this summer!

The bathroom remodel is getting ready to begin this coming weekend. Klare Plumbing, Dad’s former employer, is teaming up with Tommy G. at Moore Supply to get the ADA lavatory and fixtures that will be used to make the bathroom more accessible to him. Tommy came by the house on Sunday to measure the area and show Mom a color chart. While he was visiting, Dad impressed him with his “counter moves”. Laura Krustchinsky also came by the house this weekend and dropped off a tray of deviled eggs, yummy homemade pumpkin bread and fruit! The timing was perfect for Saturday brunch, Mrs. K, and enjoyed by all of us that were camped out at Mom & Dad’s.
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