Guess what? Our hall bathroom is completely finished and is now 100% handicap accessible! Brian Lewis w/Klare Plumbing came last week and changed out the sleeves on the exposed pipe underneath the sink, and it looks soo good! George tells everyone what an excellent plumber Brian is, and I have to agree … we haven’t had one drip or leak!! We just have to say THANK YOU one more time to Marvin Klare for making the purchase, Brian for the installation, and Tommy G w/Moore Supply for taking the time to do the special orders and making sure everything matched. You are all wonderful!! Okay, so below are some before and after pictures of the bathroom. Let me know what you think!

George is definitely enjoying the bathroom remodel. He has still not quite mastered getting up out of the wheelchair and onto the toilet yet by himself, but he can now brush his own teeth (even unscrewing the cap off the toothpaste with his affected right hand!), wash his face, comb his hair, etc. without needing my assistance! And, I don’t think I’ve told you, but Darrell (his occupational therapist) has taught him how to put on his own socks and shoes too. It’s not easy for him, but you know what they say … practice makes perfect!! Monday was the 5-month anniversary of George’s stroke, and he sure has come a long way even though he still has a way to go. Since there are 6 more months until hunting season, I’m hoping for big improvements between now and then so he can go to the lease. However, his hunting buddies and partners-in-crime are kind of down and out now themselves, so we are sending our get-well wishes and prayers out to both of them as well. Let’s hope there are many more memories to be made in Gonzales!!
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