Last Saturday, Bev and Jim Brewer came out to Katy for the day. We started out at Victor's; Bev was hankering some mexican food. Afterward, we drove our guys back to the house and Bev and I took off to do some shopping. I had some birthday gifts to buy for my wonderful son-in-law, and we girls managed to find a few things for ourselves as well. Bev also bought George a pretty new aqua blue shirt to match his eyes and brighten his spirits! He is sure getting restless sitting in that wheelchair looking around the house and seeing all the things that need attention, but hopefully he'll be on his feet soon. While Jim was her
e, he did a few things on my "honey do" list, like hang my new wall accessories in George's bathroom. I didn't give him the right tools at first, so he (and Brady) were trying to figure out what was going on, but the end r
esult was good!! Thanks, Jim, for always willing to lend a hand; we love both you and Bev very much! Later that evening, after the temperature dropped, I decided to get down and dirty and plant some flowers in my front flower bed. I am not a gardener, George has always been the one with the green thumb, and I don't like to get dirty either, but lots of things have changed over the last 6 months, and I find myself doing things all the time that I don't like to do! My neighbor, Mike McKenzie, came over with a bottle of water for me and said he should go get his camera and take a picture of me planting flowers since he's never seen that before ... he didn't do it, but I did take a picture of my flower garden after I was through. I figured I b
etter do it now, just in case the flowers don't make it! On Sunday, Greg volunteered to plant the rest of the flowers around one of our big trees. I quickly too
k him up on his offer before he could change his mind. I didn't tell him that George would be right along side him offering advice and his opinion, but I'm sure he already expected that!!
The best part of the holiday weekend was a surprise visit from a very special friend and her family. Susana, is a co-worker of mine that moved to Dallas along with our company several years ago. She and Paul used t
o live just a mile or so away from us, and I loved spending time with them and getting to know Susana's family from Mexico when they visited. She and Paul also have two handsome little boys, Michael & Ryan, that were born here in Houston, so I miss seeing them especially on their birthdays and holidays. Brady loves them too, as he does all kids that never tire of throwing his balls for him! Unfortunately, they only got to stay and visit for a few hours, but we had a nice lunch and got all caught up, and hopefully they will be back this summer and stay with us for a few days ... hint, hint!!
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