QUESTION: How many men does it take to get George through a yard and to the car? ANSWER: Six ... 5 nephews and 1 brother! Actually, the task started out with just three nephews, but they seemed to be having a little trouble, so the rest of the crew showed up and offered moral support, if nothing else! It was definitely a Kodak moment, and to think, I typically do all of this by myself!! However, I've had a LOT of practice! This family get-together we attended occurred

on Friday for a very sad reason. George's niece passed away suddenly on Tuesday evening, so we traveled to Nixon on Friday for her funeral. Afterward, a family friend hosted a dinner, and while it was so nice to see everyone, we sure wish it would have been under different circumstances. This is the second death in the Luker family in just a few weeks; we certainly hope it will be the last for quite some time. Our deepest sympathy, love and prayers go out to George's sister, Peggy, on the loss of her daughter, as well as to Marti's husband, son, grandchildren, siblings, etc. I know she will be missed terribly!
1 comment:
i am so sorry to hear about your loss :(
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