Blog update by Cindy. HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! I hope everyone had fun ushering in 2009. I know our daughter and son-in-law did! They hosted a big New Year's Eve party for their friends last night, and as of 4 p.m. today, they still had a houseful. Ahhh, to be young again!! George had another good today, and a New Year's surprise outing. My mom traditionally hosts a family dinner on New Year's Day, and yesterday, I was figuring on just making George a plate and taking it down to the Rehab for him. As my mom and I were talking this morning, we thought it would be nice if George could come and eat with us, but I had not made any arrangements for a pass. I took the chance and called the nurse's station and asked if there was anyway I could take him out to lunch. Karen said that she would page Dr. V and see what she said. I called back in 30 minutes, and Susan gave me the good news

... we could break him out of there for up to 3 hours!! Of course, "my big guy" wasn't going to be able to help me this time since they were still entertaining guests, but my brother volunteered to lend me his muscle-power. When David & I arrived at Rehab, George and Jesse Garza were hanging out in the hallway together, most likely plotting the course for their next wheelchair race!! However, George was hungry and eager to get on the road, but the first question he asked was, "Did you bring my dog?!?" I had already dropped Brady off at Mother's before we came to get George, so I was able to say, "yes, he's waiting for you!" David & I transferred George in/out of the car without incident, b

ut it's not easy ... we missed Dave, for sure! Mom fixed a great meal; pork loin, potatoes, sauerkraut & spareribs (a Yankee tradition) and tossed salad, and then I brought black-eyed peas and corn bread, a Texas tradition on New Year's Day! Cheryl & David brought a bottle of champagne and cherry pie for dessert ... George just had a sip and a bite of pie; we didn't want his blood sugar to be high when he got back to the hospital! All in all, it was a very nice start to the new year. We even managed to get a group photo with my camera set on the automatic timer! So far, things are looking good!!
1 comment:
Cindy & Lindsay:
Please give George our love and tell him we're praying for him. Happy New Yeat to everyone.
Bill, Kim, Taylor, & Brooks Peak
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