... and that is exactly what I did!! This is how my entire house looked on Saturday after the sanding of the new bathroom walls started. It is amazing how that little hall bath cou

ld contribute to such a big mess! As you know, George's son-in-law, Paul, started the remodel last weekend, and this weekend, I hired a contractor to finish it up. "Bubba" came Saturday morning and sanded, primed and painted the walls, baseboards, new door, and door frame. By the end of the day the bathroom looked great, but my furniture was covered with this fine white dust. I put George to work on the coffee table and my mom came over and h

elped me clean up the main rooms, but there are still a few more rooms to go. I have a maid that comes once-a-month to do my heavy cleaning, so Bonnie is going to have her work cut out for her when she arrives on Wednesday. The timing on this was perfect (for me!). Hopefully, the new ADA sink will be installed sometime this week, and then I'll just have a few finishing touches to take care of, like install a door knob and a new light fixture ... oh, and try to figure out what is going on with the toilet since it is now leaking around the base. It always seems to be something these days, but I think this project will be finished soon and then George can hopefully gain some independence!
After lunch today, George & I went to Lowes to buy the door knob and some a/c filters so that dust won't keep circulating in the house. We also met with a lawn service guy that is going to come tomorrow and clean up our yard. The yard has been neglected since hunting season, and of course right as that was ending, George had his stroke. I have been so busy over the last few months with George, I didn't water or weed the flower beds, so basically we now just have weeds, leaves, and pollen grain everywhere! I know it's killing George to see his yard looking the way it does; he has always had a green thumb and one of the prettiest yards on the block. Hopefully this guy will do a good job in getting it cleaned up and then maybe George will be up to planting some flowers in the next few months. This evening, Joanne & Mike Ligon came by and took us to dinner at Chili's. It was a real treat for George & I, but I'm not sure the Ligon's feel the same way! After dinner, as George was hoisting himself up into their vehicle to head home, his shorts fell down around his ankles! Good thing the three of us were all gathered aro

und him, or he would have given everyone in the parking lot a free show. We were all laughing so hard, it probably took longer than it should have to pull them back up. We were mad that I didn't have my camera on me to capture the moment for Funniest Home Videos, so when we got back to our house, we just had to re-create it ... sort of!! Thanks, Mike & Joanne, for a very fun and memorable evening; I promise to buy George some smaller shorts by the time we do dinner again!!
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