The answer to that question is: Yes! Our kids have made it safe and sound to Indiana ... pulling their brand new RV! As many of you know, our son-in-law recently returned to his previous profession of claims adjusting when the banking industry took such a hit, and he just got back from Atlanta where he spent nearly 8 weeks living in a hotel away from home, our daughter and their two dogs. Last W

ednesday evening, Dave got called to work a hail storm in Indianapolis and hated the thought of being alone again, so since Lindsay is still not working, they made a decision to purchase a fifth-wheel trailer and she and the dogs went with him! Within 24 hours of the call, they purchased the RV, had the hitch installed, stocked it with essentials, and they hit the road! We moms and grandmas were a little nervous about them pulling the RV such a long distance for the first time, but thank God they made it safely, and already have some funny stories about getting set up in Indiana. Before they left, we went over to check out their new home away from home, and I to

ld George that I would get him as close to the trailer as possible so he could peek inside, but that didn't sit well with Dave. That young man was determined to get his father-in-law inside that RV, so with Lindsay and I acting as spotters, Dave somehow managed to get George up those three metal steps and inside! George was so happy to be inside with us and part of the preparations (even though it was sooo hot!), and was just as tickled as could be that Dave cared enough and was strong enough to get him inside to look around. We don't k

now how long they will be in Indiana, but after traveling over 16 hours to get there, Lindsay hopes they don't have to turn around and come back too soon. She's like her mom; we prefer flying to our destinations! Anyway, the RV is stocked with essentials for this trip, as well as some tailgating essentails for the upcoming college football season. Lindsay's Aunt Bev keeps her stocked on A&M accessories, and they have already found their home in the RV, as well as some of the new ones that Dave just got for his birthday from Lindsay ... an A&M branding iron for hot dogs as well as a propane tank cover! We all just bought tickets for the game that will be held at the new Dallas Cowboy's stadium in October, so I guess the RV will be coming with us! The kids and their friends will have soo much fun camping and tailgating this fall, however, the guys will all have a problem showering ... it's just not made for tall people!! Dave is definitely the tallest of the group, but I think most of the husbands in their circle are over 6 feet ... too funny! We already miss you, Lindsay & Dave, but we know you are making memories (and money), so have fun!
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