Webster's online dictionary defines "clutch" as the act of grasping and holding tightly, securely. And no one does that better than St. Peter's United Methodist Church's Care Team! George & I hav
e been members there for approximately 25 years, and even though the membership has grown leaps and bounds & pastors have come and gone, the culture of St. Peter's remains the same ... loving, giving, caring. When George had his stroke six months ago, our family, friends, and church family all rallied around us with comforting words, prayers, hugs, and kind deeds tha
t made a huge difference in our lives and George's recovery. The St. Peter's Care team made hospital visits, sent balloon bouquets, vases of flowers made from altar arrangements, sewed a prayer quilt, delivered soup and cornbread for George's lunch, and continues to send weekly cards of encouragement.
Reverend Kim Myers also brought communion to George several times when he was unable to attend church services. This is a very special group of people, and I wanted to thank them for their outpouring of love and support. The Care Team meets every Monday night, so this week, I baked some goodies for their meeting to let them know how mu
ch George and I appreciate their work ... sort of like "sweets for the sweet!" Thanks again to all of you for the tight hold during the biggest challenge of our lives!!
There is also another definition of "Clutch," however, this one is NOT in Webster's dictionary ... just in the vocabul
ary of our fellow Houstonians. As I'm sure all of you know, Clutch is the mascot of our Houston Rocket's basketball team. A month or so ago, I mentioned that Clutch made a visit to Memorial Hermann Katy Rehabilitation Hospital when George was at therapy, and the pictures from the photographer have finally arrived. In this case, it was Paige (George's physical therapist) that had a gras
p on George while he and Clutch celebrated the event. WE ARE SOO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF THE PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES THAT HOLD US TIGHTLY AND SECURELY ... much love, Cindy & George!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my very special nephew, Alex, who turns six years old today!!
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